Bin full? Please take your litter home!

Bin full? Please take your litter home!

The volunteer group Friends of Gladstone Park (FoGP), with the full support of Brent Council, launched a new local anti-litter campaign today.

An eye catching red sticker with an image of a fox enjoying a feast of picnic rubbish has been placed on every bin in the park to discourage people from leaving bags of litter NEXT to the bins when they are full.

The Friends of Gladstone Park anti-litter campaign stickers.

“We hope that these stickers will enhance awareness and encourage people to take their rubbish home or to an empty bin. It’s a small step towards keeping our beautiful park free of litter.” said Francine Lawrence, Deputy Chair, FoGP. “If you can carry your picnic to the park – you are capable of taking the rubbish away!”

The sticker campaign is in addition to the regular Gladstone Park Litter Picks organised by FoGP.

Sunny weather and easing of lockdown have encouraged more of us to visit local parks and enjoy a snack or a (socially distanced) picnic.

However, it seems that many people are able to carry their full pizza boxes, polystyrene food containers, plastic bags, paper towels, wet wipes, bottles and crisp packets to the park but unable to take the empty packaging away.

FoGP want to highlight the misconception that dumping bags of picnic rubbish next to a tree or a bin, when the bin is full, is helpful. Bags of food packaging, however neatly stacked, encourage foxes and vermin to chew through the bags and spread the rubbish over a wider area.

Chicken bones, glass, cans and rotting food are hazards to children and pets.

Bags of food packaging, however neatly stacked, encourage foxes and vermin to chew through the bags and spread the rubbish over a wider area.

“Larger, more plentiful, fox-proof bins can help, but will not eradicate the problem. In the end it is humans who leave rubbish in inappropriate places.” Said Tariq Dar, Brent Councillor. “We must love where we live!”

FoGP hope that the Red Fox Sticker Campaign will be the beginning of a Brent-wide anti-litter campaign.

Together we can help keep our beautiful park free of litter.

If your park or open space group would like some of these eye catching stickers you can buy 50 large stickers for £30 from FoGP. The vinyl sticks firmly on metal and wood. No nasty peeling up or fading. Guaranteed colour fast for 5 years. Do email us to enquire.

Safeguarding in the park

A guick guide over who to contact in case of issues arising in our park.


Mopeds are not allowed to drive through the park. If you see one, please:

  • Email or Tweet your ward, either Dollis Hill, Dudden Hill or Mapesbury Safer Neighbourhood Team, (SNT), as below.
  • Do not put yourself at risk by taking photographs of people, but make a note of registration numbers, descriptions, time and location.
  • Remember that the SNT can only follow up messages when they are on a working shift, so they should not be contacted about urgent issues.

DOLLIS HILL: E:   Tweet:  @MPSDollisHill
DUDDEN HILL:  E:   Tweet:  @MPSDuddenHill
MAPESBURY:  E:   Tweet:  @MPSMapesbury

If you are unsure which ward you are in, enter your postcode in the ‘find your area’ box on the Metropolitan Police Service website: Met Police

Map showing the parts of Gladstone Park in each of the three wards: Dollis Hill, Dudden Hill and Mapesbury

The black lines show the ward boundaries.

Map showing the parts of Gladstone Park in each of the three wards: Dollis Hill, Dudden Hill and Mapesbury

The black lines show the ward boundaries.

Criminal Activity

If the crime is happening in front of you or if you find a suspicious or illegal item phone 999.

For any other criminal activities:

  • phone 101,
  • use the MPS website
  • tweet @MetCC
  • go to Wembley police station counter.

You can also contact the charity Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111or

Sleeping Rough and Homelessness

If you are concerned about someone sleeping rough in the park, send an alert to StreetLink by visiting, via the mobile app, available for Apple and Android devices, or by calling 0300 500 0914.  

The details provided by a member of the public are sent to the local authority or outreach team concerned, so they can help connect the person to local services and support.